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Team Member Access Feature
This is a very important feature in which you can allow a team member or vice versa to have access to your Contracts, Creating Contracts, your Clauses, and your Client Database, separately or combined.
This is a helpful feature for both Managing Brokers and Mentors. It allows mentors access to an apprentice agent`s contracts for review.
This feature can be used to allow access to ALL current active or under contract transactions to another CTM Software user watching your business while on a vacation or business trip. Quick Access = Efficiency
NOTE: The word Access means: View / Edit / Change / Save. Every time the access status is changed you and the other team member will receive an email confirmation of the change. There is also a display letting you know the team members that have given you access to their accounts.
NOTE: You will want to view the eContracts Setting video to learn how to organize transactions shared with you using Team Member Access feature.
Suggestion: If you only want to give access to a single transaction, view this video on Assign Transaction.