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You can IMPORT your client lists from Top Producer, Microsoft Outlook, or Microsoft Excel.
At the top of the Clients Database, click IMPORT. Click on the icon format you want to import the data from and follow the instructions for exporting data.
NOTE: If you do not have your data stored in Outlook, Excel or Top Producer, you will need to save your data from the other source into a CSV file and then IMPORT.
Very Important: If any column in the CSV file is missing or not in the appropriate order this file will not import the data correctly. The data you are importing will need to be in the exact order for the data to populate correctly into this Clients Database. If you have fields that are not present in your currently stored data, you will need to create a blank column in your CSV file as a place holder so the fields you IMPORT will be in the correct order.
NOTE: In case you have imported clients that you do not want to have in your Clients Database, you may click on the blue DELETE link on your Clients Database screen. You may delete one at a time or hold down your CTRL key and select multiple clients to delete.