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Extended Video 12:28
Listing Agents can Create Multiple Folders for Multiple Offers or to Organize Documents
This Feature allows you to organize multiple sets of disclosures for multiple Offers/Buyers or keep other documents uploaded into the transaction, organized by category.
As the Listing Agent, you can create and manage separate folders to hold a full set of disclosures specific to the Buyer`s Agent and their buyer(s).
There are several ways to add buyer(s) names to your electronic disclosures and create folders, whether you receive an offer as a hard copy, through email or through the CTM Integration Feature.
Easy and Fast: Click on the orange link, just below your list of electronic documents, for offers received by a DocuSign or written offer.
Recreate the original Disclosures with only the Sellers Signature For Multiple Offers
This Feature allows you to create multiple sets of disclosures for multiple Offers/Buyers - At Once
NOTE: You can create a folder with the Buyer`s Name by simply checking the box in the center of the pop-up window next to "Create folder".
Integrated? Just click on the green link within each Integration Box (Offer Received), once you're a linked with the Selling Agent.
Create Disclosures & Folder for this Buyer`s offer
This Feature allows you to create a specific set of disclosures AND a folder for this offer only - All At Once
NOTE: If you use this feature and you create the folder, the ENTIRE Integration window/box will move into the Buyer`s Folder.
NOTE: One approach to help you organize offers is to create a folder for "Rejected Offers" or "Backup Offers". Within the Integration Window/Box there is a drop down to move the box to a different folder. You may wish to group those offers that were not accepted under one folder and move those Integration Windows/Boxes to that folder to preclude an error when sharing documents.
NOTE: You can create a Buyer Folder for a new buyer at any time. If you forgot to create the folder from the transaction when first creating the disclosures, Do Not recreate them again because you can easily create the Buyer Folder and MOVE the documents.
1) click on the Folder Icon while viewing the "View All" or "Original Docs" link to have a pop-up box come up to move to another folder
2) Click, Drag and Drop documents from one folder to another.
This video also includes the process for both Emailing and/or Sharing sets of disclosures!