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To email disclosures shared with you from a Listing Agent in eContracts:
1. On your Main Page of ACTIVE - U/C Clients, click on your Buyer`s Name
2. Click on the Property Address
3. Click on Email Contracts
4. Fill out your email text/info, including checking the email address(es) for your Buyer(s)
5. Check the boxes next to the DISCLOSURES that you want to send to your Buyer(s). The icons will have an orangy tint. The disclosures from the Listing Agent will be listed AFTER or BELOW the electronic Contracts/Documents that you have created for this client.
6. Click on Email Selected Docs button
NOTE: Your Buyer(s) will only be able to sign the documents electronically if the Listing Agent has added the Buyer`s names to the disclosures/documents.