Be sure to scroll down and watch the video!
This feature allows you to Recreate Listing Transaction Disclosures/Documents only.
This may be required for two reasons.
1. Disclosures have been signed by the Seller and Buyer and the contract fell
2. You wish to create a second set of Disclosures in a separate folder that are enabled for signature by a Buyer
When recreating the disclosures, the new disclosures will only have the Seller(s) signature(s), unless you elect to create a second set enabled for the Buyer(s) to sign.
NOTE: Only documents signed by the Seller are displayed. Hidden documents are not displayed. Unlocked documents will not be displayed.
To Recreate Disclosures:
1. Click into your Detailed Transaction
2. Below the list of documents in the Detailed Transaction, click on Recreate the original Disclosures with only the Sellers Signature For Multiple Offers
3. A pop-up window will be displayed. At the top of the window, you may type in the Buyer(s) Name(s)
NOTE: If the Buyer is a Trust, Company or Bank, make sure to click on the red link: [Click here to Enter Company Name]
4. In the center of the window you will see the message:
Important New Feature! - Please Read
You have an option to:
Create a New Folder with Buyer Name OR Move them to another folder (see drop down box)
5. Select the DISCLOSURES/DOCUMENTS you want to recreate
6. Click on the Recreate Documents button on the bottom right of the screen
Now you will have the original DISCLOSURES/DOCUMENTS with only your Seller’s signatures and another set with Seller`s signatures and enabled for Buyer`s signatures.