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This feature allows you to put important notes into your Clients Database.
To make a Referral Note:
Click on your client's name or address from your list of clients. Scroll down the client record to the NOTES: section. Click on the box to mark that a note is associated with a Referral Note.
Once you document your note, don't miss clicking the Save button.
NOTE: You can have an email reminder sent to you on a specific date for a follow-up
To see all Referral Notes at once:
From the Main Dashboard, click on the link Clients Database. Select REFERRAL NOTES link at the top of the screen. This will open a list of previously posted important notes for your review. From this screen, click on the underlined date link to edit or delete any notes.
If you wish to edit a note, make the changes in the box and click the blue SAVE button.
You can check the box next to the red DELETE NOTE button and click the blue SAVE button to delete a note.