Be sure to scroll down and watch the video!
Creating a demo (fake) contract, emailing it to yourself, then signing it with the mouse to see the interaction process before you send an actual contract to your client is highly recommended.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Contracts will be LOCKED after any participant signs online. The first person to sign locks the contract. You will receive an email notification when each person has signed the contract. When you open a CONTRACT/DISCLOSURE/DOCUMENT in eContracts you must go to Print Preview/Signature View to see the signatures. The Contract CANNOT be Unlocked and Nothing Can be Modified.
You, the agent, can modify a contract by using the feature Copy/Duplicate Locked Contracts for this Transaction Only
Watch the video on how to Copy/Duplicate Locked Contracts
Even if you open the contract again in the Editing Section and try to modify or make changes, it may appear that you can make changes but the changes will not be saved.
The only thing that you can add to a CONTRACT/DISCLOSURE/DOCUMENT after it is LOCKED is the other participant`s information allowing them to sign electronically.
How to tell if a document has been signed.
The picture of a lock next to the CONTRACT/DISCLOSURE/DOCUMENT means that it has been signed and it is locked.
Hold your cursor over the lock and you will see who has signed and or initialed and the date / time stamp it was signed and or initialed.