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Safeguard Enhancement for Listing Agents when electronically signing section #34 of the CBS.
When it comes time to electronically sign an offer, you will be required to fill out your section of representation before the program will accept your signature.
Whether you choose to sign with your mouse or choose to sign using a font, if you miss filling out section #34 or any part of the Broker`s Acknowledgments section, before you will be allowed to electronically sign the contract an automatic message will inform you to complete the section.
NOTE: When you are integrated with another eContracts agent you can choose to sign the integrated offer with your personal, professional eSignature. Just click on the green, Sign this Offer link to sign.
Once again, if you miss filling out section #34 or any part of the Broker`s Acknowledgments section of any Integrated Offer, before you will be allowed to electronically sign the contract an automatic message will inform you to complete the section. This safeguard enhancement has been added into your account, so your section of the contract is complete at the time you go under contract.