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The Integration Feature allows Agents to Share Documents with one another when both agents use CTM eContracts.
The Linking process eliminates the need to email documents back and forth. And Sharing documents is more secure than emailing live interactive document links.
Selling Agents can search for the Listing Contract created by an eContracts Agent and quickly populate pertinent data such as property address, county, sellers' names, legal description, remote controls, storage, earnest money, association assessment information plus the Listing Agents business information and license numbers......... right into the CONTRACT TO BUY AND SELL. This SAVES so much TIME.
When the Buyer`s Agent uses the SAVE TIME feature to search for the Listing, AND when the Buyer`s Agent selects the CTMeContracts Data Source, then the CONTRACT TO BUY AND SELL will match the correct Property Address and the Listing Agents CTMeContracts email address to ensure SUCCESSFUL INTEGRATION once the electronic offer is emailed to the Listing Agent.
REQUIREMENTS: For an offer to SUCCESSFULLY INTEGRATE or LINK with a listing transaction:
1. The Property Address saved in the CONTRACT TO BUY AND SELL must match the Property Address that the Listing Agent has in their EXCLUSIVE RIGHT-TO-SELL LISTING, not the MLS
2. The electronic offer must be emailed to the email address the Listing Agent has in their CTMeContracts account, not the MLS
Transaction Integration Features:
1. The Buyer`s Agent will be able to share documents or Allow Listing Agent to View Disclosures/Docs with the Listing Agent
2. The Buyer`s Agent will be able to view shared Disclosures/Documents that are shared from the Listing Agent
3. In addition, from the Integration Window/Box in the Buyer`s Detailed Transaction the Buyer`s Agent can Change Offer Status to INACTIVE for an offer. By changing Offer Status, you will not be deleting a previous offer but hiding it and breaking the link that permits you to share documents and view shared documents.
View and Upload Disclosures After you have submitted the electronic offer to a Listing Agent that is using eContracts, the agent can Allow the Buyer`s Agent to View Disclosures/Documents through eContracts.
To View Disclosures/Documents from the Listing Agent:
1. From the Main homepage click on your Client`s Name
2. Click on the Sale Address and go to the bottom of your list of econtracts
3. In the lower left-hand corner of the Integration Window/Box click on any shared document link to view it, found under View Disclosures from Listing Agent
4. Click on Place these disclosures-docs in Docs Management to create a PDF copy to automatically upload Disclosures to Docs Management for your file
NOTE: Upload the disclosures after your clients have signed electronically to have a PDF copy with ALL signatures.
To Allow Listing Agent to view documents
1. On your Main Homepage, click on the Buyer`s Name
2. Click on the Property Address
3. At the bottom of the screen in the Integration Window/Box below the eContracts that you have created click on Allow Listing Agent to view Documents
4. A new window will display. Check the box(es) next to the document(s) you want the Listing Agent to see in their eContracts account
5. Click Save
NOTE: When you are Integrated with another CTMeContracts agent, you can ALSO share documents that have been uploaded into the Docs Management Folder.
NOTE: At the time that you Allow the Listing Agent to View Documents (either Electronic Contracts or Docs Management Documents) an automatic email notification will now be sent to both integrated agents. This means that you will have documentation in your CTM eContracts email messages that you have successfully shared documents with the correct agent.
To Email Disclosures from an eContracts Listing Agent to your clients:
1. On your Main Homepage, click on the Buyer`s Name
2. Click on the Property Address
3. Click on Email Contracts in the top upper right of your Detailed Transaction
4. Fill out email info and check the box(es) next to your client`s email address
5. Check the boxes next to the DISCLOSURES/DOCUMENTS that you want to send to your Buyers
6. Click on Email Selected Docs
NOTE: Your Buyers will be able to sign the documents electronically ONLY WHEN the Listing Agent has added the Buyer`s name(s) in the CONTRACTS/DISCLOSURES/DOCUMENTS