piece of paper with yellow pencil
This feature allows you to add a personal note under any type of document(s), including those you upload to your Docs Management folder. This will allow you to easily track multiple documents with the same name by noting the different content of each.
Accessing the NOTE Icon
1) You will first log into your clients Detail Transaction View.
2) You will then click and open the Docs Management folder down the Detailed Dashboard. To the right of each contract/document you have uploaded, you will find an icon that resembles a white piece of paper with a yellow pencil.
3) Click on this icon and a window will pop-up.
4) In the gray box, type the necessary text to identify how this document is different from another document with the same name.
This is useful if you have uploaded two different versions of the same document. Make sure to click the SAVE Button to save your note. The added note will display right below the name of the document. You may have to REFRESH your screen to see the note.
NOTE: You are the only person that will be able to see this note.