User Guide
Contents (Expand All)

Best Practices for Success

CTM One Users

Smart eContracts & Templating

  Smart eContracts - Features and Benefits
  Create Personal Contract Library
  Uploading a Document to Misc Docs Management
Clause Library Feature
Message System FeatureThis help topic has a video
Navigating eContractsThis help topic has a video

Uploading a Document to Misc Docs Management

Be sure to scroll down and watch the video!

In this video we will show you how to upload any document into your Miscellaneous Docs Management folder found on your Main Dashboard.

NOTE: this process is the same if you need to upload any PDF, JPG, Word or Excel document into the Docs Management folder found in every Detailed Dashboard.

You will learn how to upload documents from your computer as well as upload from any existing template.

To learn how to Enable the Smart Signature Technology, you will want to view the Help Video Tutorial: SMART eContracts - Features and Benefits
And to learn how to Create a Template Library view the video Smart eContracts -Templates
