Be sure to scroll down and watch the video!
The Copy from an Existing Contract feature is available in all Parent Contracts and some other documents. You will know if you can use this feature if you see an orange, Create by copying from an Existing Contract link, just below the first date box in your working document (Editing Section/Worksheet).
When you are wanting to copy a contract/disclosure from a template or like document, you will use this feature In A New, Blank Contract. Here are the steps:
1. Locate the Create by copying from an Existing Contract link near the top of the Editing Section or Worksheet
2. A pop-up window will open, then Highlight the contract you wish to copy
NOTE: If you want to copy a CONTRACT TO BUY AND SELL with Deadlines, Dates, and Purchase Price, you need to check the box at the bottom of the screen:
Check this box if you also would like to copy Deadline Dates and Purchase Price-Terms.
3. Then click the go button
4. You will see a red note ~ NOTE: Input Buyers Name and click SAVE. The entire Contract will be copied after you click SAVE ~ This will be displayed above the Client`s Name section.
NOTE: If you are copying a contract to replace an existing contract with a new address -DO NOT COPY/DUPLICATE LOCKED CONTRACT FROM THE Detail View. IF YOU DO YOU WILL HAVE TWO CONTRACTS FOR THE SAME PROPERTY IN THAT CLIENT`S FOLDER Instead of a NEW FOLDER for a new Transaction Address